The Search of Path and Dream
Today I want to share a late post about my birthday. I'm grateful to have everything in my life today. I have pretty much blessings from Him to make me as right now becoming the better person for Him and for other people. SO.... Here I am! Still stuck in medical school as Young Doctor (read: Co-assistant). I love to meet many people in what I'm doing. The patients, seniors, residents, supervisors, and friends (read: teman sejawat). Well, it's such great opportunity for me to know them. I learn so much about patience, sincere, discipline, emphaty.... Truthfully, I still have many lacks to make decision for my life and also I'm not pretty confident in making diagnosis and treatment for my patient still. Even in my age, I'm still searching for my path.
Time goes fast. I'm 23 now. Still young, idealistic woman, hoping for better country and people inside it. There was time when I was asked what you will introduce yourself in a years ahead. Funny things, this words come to my mind: "Saya, seorang biasa yang bercita-cita besar membangun bangsa dan masyarakatnya." I have this big dream since ... hmm... maybe high school or college? When that idealistic idea comes. But, how can I build my country and its people? First, I have to think what I want to do when I trully become a general practioner in about 2 years from now. Would I continue studying in specialist or subspecialist? or just working as general practioner? or taking magister degree in hospital management and become structural? or teaching maybe? Some of them come in my thoughts.
My mom and dad asked me, "What are you plan for the future?" and I answered, "I have some choice: either become forensic pathologist or pediatrician or just general practioner who works in structural field." But, neither I nor my parents know the future ahead. I just could dream, hope, and have faith that God already had big great plans for my life.
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